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College / University Instructors
A Learning Organization
Describes the attributes of a learning organization, discusses the value of strategic conversations, identifies skills that individuals need, and suggests how the learning organization may be assessed.
CCSU Professional Development School Network
A sample PDS contract, the application process, university facilitator roles and responsibilities, defining characteristics of PDS partnerships, and tech support from Central Connecticut State University and its Professional Development School Network.
David Gibson, Ed.D.
Dr. David Gibson is the Director of Research and Development at the National Institute for Community Innovations as well as the Vermont Institutes.
Overview: The University of Memphis Professional Development Schools Partnership
The purpose, selection criteria, partnership principles, and components of the University of Memphis PDS Partnership.
PDS At-a-Glance
A summary describing a PDS partnership, the benefits, and the role of key players.
PDS Handbook
A PDS handbook from Purdue University Calumet and the Northwest Indiana PDS. Discusses the mission, functions, benefits, and roles within a PDS partnership.
Professional Development Schools: A Witness to Teacher Empowerment
Identifies three attributes of teacher empowerment that emerged at Scales Professional Development School: teacher autonomy, collaborative opportunities, and emerging dialogue about all aspects of the educational process.
Professional Devlopment Schools--Frequently Asked Questions
A brief description of professional development schools.