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A comprehensive, systematically organized collection of information such as a dictionary, encyclopedia, or almanac.
A Learning Organization
Describes the attributes of a learning organization, discusses the value of strategic conversations, identifies skills that individuals need, and suggests how the learning organization may be assessed.
Building Collaborative Partnerships
Building collaborative partnerships are the mechanism for designing comprehensive strategies to address the needs of children and their families. Getting started, and planning for action are the focus of this paper.
Developing Teachers' Leadership Skills
This ERIC digest provides a summary of structures that provide emerging opportunities for leadership, and the personal characteristics and specific skills that assist in developing teacher leaders.
Learning Organization
The National Center for Research on Vocational Education provides design specifications for a learning organization. The premise of this paper is that schools, colleges, and universities tend to be "teaching" institutions. An organizational re-examination and re-design is required to shift the focus to providing an environment in which these insitutuions become places of "learning."
PDS At-a-Glance
A summary describing a PDS partnership, the benefits, and the role of key players.
Professional Development School Network Glossary of Terms
The Maryland Department of Education produced this glossary of terms for Professional Development Schools.
Professional Development Schools and Educational Reform: Concepts and Concerns
An overview of professional development schools and their role in improving public schooling.
Professional Development Schools at a Glance
A summary of common goals and characteristics of professional development schools from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Professionalizing Teaching: Is There a Role for Professional Development Schools?
This ERIC article maintains that professional development schools play a role in the professionalization of teaching. Resource list included.
Recruiting Talented and Diverse People into the Teaching Profession
The gap between the diversity of students and the racial and ethnic characteristics of those who teach them is a recruitment issue in public schools today. This paper illustrates some promising practices in recruitment efforts.
Strategic Alliances: Building Strong Ones and Making Them Last
Success factors in strategic alliances and partnerships, including the importance of communication, participation, and trust.
The Nature of Professional Development Schools
Professional development schools as a key component in efforts to improve student learning by improving teaching.