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A service is a system that provides one or morefunctions of value to the end-user. Examples include: a photocopyingservice, a banking service, an authentication service, interlibraryloans, a Z39.50 or Web server.
David Gibson, Ed.D.
Dr. David Gibson is the Director of Research and Development at the National Institute for Community Innovations as well as the Vermont Institutes. He concentrates on partnership development and new programs, systems analysis, evaluation, higher education reform and statewide professional development planning. He also works on vision and project development, strategic planning, professional network building, national partners, and telecommunications in learning. His research and publications include work on complex systems analysis and modeling of education and the use of technology to personalize education for the success of all students.
Joy Wallace
Currently Joy Wallace is a consultant, director of Columbia EQUALS, Family Math and Family Science and a senior specialist for the National Institute for Community Innovations. She conducts workshops for educators, moderates two national list-serv, and is helping to develop a Digital Equity Portal on the Internet. Until October 2000, she was the regional equity specialist and Oregon Coordinator for the Science and Mathematics Consortium for Northwest Schools. For over 20-years she has worked for organizations such as Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Vermont Institute for Science, Math and Technology, Portland State University, Math/Science Network and EQUALS promoting professional development models to increase educational equity and family involvement in science, technology and mathematics. Because of her commitment to parent involvement in public education, she has been both a Family Math and Family Science site director since these programs were born.